The Mystery of the Source Throughout the articles in the Matrix4Humans Knowledge Base, we discussed the five worlds of existence and ten sefirot. In this article, we are going to explore the [...]
The ‘Root’ of Evil The kabbalistic ideas regarding evil are some of the deepest teachings. Digging into this is important for understanding the Matrix at its deepest levels. In [...]
Gematria Concepts in the Matrix What is Gematria? A good definition might be “spiritual geometry,” as it goes much deeper than standard ideas of ‘numerology.’ There are [...]
Gilgul: To Live and Live Again Before we get to the depth of meaning of “gilgul,’ let’s examine a peculiar dialogue that came early in The Matrix Reloaded. It involved the first [...]
Chashmal: Vision Into the Future It’s time to go down some increasingly deeper rabbit holes. After his altercation with the Trainman in the train station, Neo sits in silent meditation. [...]
Bittul and Repair of the Matrix “At this point in the story, Neo stands on the verge of satori, ready to resolve the paradox of choice and choicelessness, of free-will vs fate, but that can [...]
Teshuvah: The Path of Knowing Your True Self The term ‘teshuvah’ means to ‘return.’ Specifically, it applies to the path of a person returning to their “true [...]
Tikkun: Repair – The Purpose of the One With this article, we begin to look at more complex concepts found in the Matrix trilogy. Some of these are introduced by the Hebrew terms as found [...]
The Oracle – Mother Of Change The culmination of our “Four C’s” – change – is mentioned at the final lesson at the end of The Matrix Revolutions: Architect: [...]
“What Matters is the Connection the Word Implies.” Thus far we’ve reviewed the first two of the four-step process that each human freed from the Matrix faces. We now move on to [...]