The Path of The One Over two decades before the Matrix Resurrections, Neo’s journey began with his being asleep at the beginning of The Matrix. After attaining his powers as “the [...]
Thank you for voting. We will update results weekly! Now for the good part! Submit your email address in the SUBSCRIBE box on this page and you will be entered EACH MONTH into our drawing. You [...]
DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT LIST OF TOPICS ‘Creator vs Creator Tzimtzum Pattern & Systemic Anomaly (from singularity) Mother and Father as one We certainly don’t want to leave you [...]
The Mystery of the Source Throughout the articles in the Matrix4Humans Knowledge Base, we discussed the five worlds of existence and ten sefirot. In this article, we are going to explore the [...]
Bittul and Repair of the Matrix “At this point in the story, Neo stands on the verge of satori, ready to resolve the paradox of choice and choicelessness, of free-will vs fate, but that can [...]
Teshuvah: The Path of Knowing Your True Self The term ‘teshuvah’ means to ‘return.’ Specifically, it applies to the path of a person returning to their “true [...]
Tikkun: Repair – The Purpose of the One With this article, we begin to look at more complex concepts found in the Matrix trilogy. Some of these are introduced by the Hebrew terms as found [...]