Are you ready for what we are about to show you?

7th Annual Matrix4Humans Zoom Conference and Movie Nights

Over the course of four evenings, we show each of the Matrix movies and hold discussions of the many kabbalistic concepts found in them. We’re presenting a lot of new material this year, as The Matrix Resurrections played out as was expected. (See the previous Source Blog for the list of “fulfilled predictions.”)
Here’s the Conference lineup. These are Saturday nights and run from 8:00pm EST to about midnight (or until the discussion ends!)


  • November 26 – The Matrix
  • December 3 – Matrix Reloaded
  • December 10 – Matrix Revolutions
  • December 17 – Matrix Resurrections

If you have questions you would like to see addressed during the Conference, please send them in! Our email address is For regular updates and discussion, join our Facebook group at

If you haven’t done so yet, take a look at our 2022 articles for The Matrix Resurrections, where we explain the amazing themes hidden throughout the film.
As Bugs said to Morpheus, “The more you looked, the more you found.”

Be sure to check out our original design Matrix-theme merchandise in our online store at We are offering 30 percent off ALL COFFEE MUGS this fall. Use Code MUGS2022.

Finally, expect something VERY different on this website this winter as we reveal the love story behind the love story of the Matrix and our bloggers, Morpheus, Rama Kandra and the Oracle all take the lead on real-life projects. 

Sounds crazy? Hey, we’re jacked into the Matrix remember?

Please let your friends know about and our Conference!

Peace is Wholeness,
The M4H Team

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Matrix Trinity the One