1. Purpose of Humans in the Matrix (Intro?)
- How Did They Get There?
- Genesis Parallel
- Split of Masculine-Feminine
- Connection to Left-Right sefirot (See Section 2)
- Sin of Gan Edan
- Diminishment of the Feminine
2. Structure and Function of the Levels
- Tzimtzum in creating the Matrix
- Characters and their Purpose
- Connection to left-right sefirot (From Section 1)
- Barriers to the Humans
- Fear and Desire
- Yetzer Hara and Sitra Achra
- HaSatan and the Nachash
- Smith and Merovingian
- Help for the Humans
- Clues for the Humans
- Ein Od Milvado (Morpheus quote, a reflection of Chokmah?)
3. Path of the One
The Masculine Dimension
- Two Stages of the Redemption
- Tzimtzum on the Path of Return
- Soul Levels
- The One as Messiah ben Yosef “Path/Function of the One”
4. The Feminine Dimension
- Elevation of the Feminine (Rectification of Gan Edan Diminishment)
- Shir Hashirim Parallel
- Aspects of the Shekinah
- Arousal from below (THE Requirement)
- Path of the One is Made of the Many (Oracle cut scene)
- 7th Millennium/Messianic Era Parallel
- The post-Matrix ‘new world’
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