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Trinity: First Point of Contact
We begin with the first main character that we meet. Trinity is a complex persona in the Matrix trilogy. This has to do with how she relates to the emanation of Malkhut (Kingdom), which is the last of the ten sefirot. (See our background material if you have not yet.)
As Malkhut is ‘furthest’ from the ‘Source’ (at Keter), it has the unique property of ‘receiving’ from all if the sefirot that come before it. It is unique among the ten emanations in that it is strictly ‘receptive.’ There is nothing ‘below’ it that it can ‘transmit’ to.
The term Malkhut, and others associated with it, tend to be feminine both grammatically and in relation to function. This includes; Kingdom, Torah (revelation/instruction) Shekinah (divine presence in our world) and Ruach haKodesh (Set apart/Holy Spirit).
It’s not without irony that the term “Holy Spirit” is usually referred to in the masculine gender in Christian Bibles and writings.
As we heard at the beginning of their very first conversation:
Neo: I just thought, um…you were a guy.
Trinity: Most guys do.
Trinity as “Divine Presence”
Trinity’s personification of key concepts plays a major role in the “path of the One.” This is significant early on, as she is Neo’s “first connection” to ‘reality,’ that he encounters while in the Matrix world.
This is the concept of the Shekinah, the “divine presence” in our “World of Concealment.” Though Kabbalah views ‘God’ in ‘essence’ as a strict singularity, from our clouded and ‘fractured’ perspective, we relate to God in many different ways. (Go back to our prism example.)
Though Malkhut is furthest from Keter, it is closest to the physical world, which corresponds to the Matrix world in the movies. Thus, the idea of ‘Kingdom’ is our first ‘contact’ point along our own “path toward the Source.”
We find this idea expressed in a verse from in the New Testament:
“Seek first the kingdom (malkhut) of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” — Matthew 6:33.

Trinity and Neo: Matrix Love Story
Malkhut is also called ‘nukveh’ (the ‘female’) and associated with the concept of the divine ‘bride.’ In kabbalah, the concept of spiritual personae (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Groom, Bride, etc.) are called ‘partzufim’ (singular: ‘partzuf’). These terms are all ways for us to understand spiritual concepts.
The “love story” between the divine groom and bride, is perhaps one of the most discussed topics in kabbalistic literature. The entire biblical text, “Song of Songs” (Song of Solomon) reflects this mystical relationship. The relationship between Neo and Trinity also resembles that of the biblical Jacob and Rachel, even to the point of how both Trinity and Rachel die “along on the way to their source” while their mate (Neo/Jacob) continues on.
Neo’s first meeting with Trinity is in a setting he would not have normally gone to. However, he made the choice to “follow the white rabbit,” descending into a peculiar club within the Matrix world, one full of dark sexual energy.
This touches on a deeper concept we discuss in our article on the ‘battery’ concept in the Matrix. The machines not only keep humans in the imaginary Matrix world to derive minimal energy from them. They also give them “interesting lives” to maximize the power they can derive from them.
Trinity’s initial response to Neo’s “searching,” is a concept called “Kiruv Rechokim,” usually translated, “bringing close the distant ones.” When we seek something in truth, that truth will reward our sincerity with what we need. It could be a book, a conversation, a chance meeting, etc.
In response to “seeking the kingdom,” Neo is enabled to take the next step on the “Path of the One.” He will meet Morpheus, who plays a major role at the emanation of Yesod/Foundation as the teacher of, “… all these things added to you.”
We will explore additional aspects of Trinity in our thematic articles.

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Fernanda Klaus
Designer at Arbius
Designer at Arbius